The Coster Ethical Code
Coster has issued and spread its Ethical Code in the corporate and through the Supply Chain, for the purpose of providing a set of commonly agreed values and principles which reflect Coster commitment towards conducting business responsibly.
The foundations of our beliefs are the fair and integrity business, the respect of human rights that also reflects the commitment to continuously enhance the life in the workplace, Safety, health and environment protection.
EcoVadis CSR Assessment
Coster regularly join EcoVadis to assess the integration of the CSR principles into the business and management system and gain evidence-based Sustainability rating
The Environment
Three manufacturing facilities operate according to the ISO 14001 certified environmental management system. Coster pursue the reduction of its environmental footprint by working on the following levers:
Energy efficiency
Energy Management Systems: in 2017 the facility Coster3 joined Costerplast gaining the ISO 50001 certification, with a reduction of total primary energy consumption of 7,5% in one year
Injection molding: Coster pushes ahead the installation program for electric injection molding machines. The benefit is 50% reduction of energy consumption compared to the hydraulic ones
Lighting: more than 50% of the neon facilities has been replaced with LED lighting systems, with a 65% reduction of energy consumption
Technology: continuous investments on air compressor plants, cooling systems, industrial building automation, energy recovery systems
Renewable resources: Costerplast purchases electricity from ECODOC – Electric Energy from Nature
Paper Policy
Paper is still widely used in the processes and in the work environment at Coster. Our company has to be aware of the environmental impact of paper production, in order to contribute to saving the planet’s ecosystem.
Click here to download our “Paper Policy”
Supply Chain
Transport: Coster works on inbound & outbound logistics optimization, on logistics partnership with client implementation, redesigning the transport solutions replacing road haulage with bimodal haulage road + railway. The reorganization of production has led to industrial optimization, reduction of transport reduction and strengthening of local affairs.
Packaging: Coster works to achieve greater efficiency in the packaging of valves and pumps with the objective to reduce the use of cardboard box from 10% to 25%. New packaging solutions have been introduced such as reusable plastic pallets (pallbox).
Sustainable procurement: Coster promotes its credo to all suppliers, adopting evaluation practices towards Sustainability and CSR themes, encourages suppliers to increase performances in these areas and find alternative sources where deemed sustainable.
Waste management & recycling
Packaging takes on a great responsibility in terms of environmental footprint. Coster aim at an important reduction of the environmental impact:
· Arrangement of new and confined ecological areas in all facilities, management of waste flow from collection to disposal and identification of containers
· Landfill reduction. In 2017 Coster Tecnologie Speciali SpA facilities increased energy waste from 83% to >99%
· Increase of clean recovery by conferring the packaging waste of mixed materials to companies that carry out the grinding and separation of materials
· Partecipation to sectoral studies. Coster Sarl takes part in the Aerosol Recycling working group created by the CFA (Comité Français des Aérosols, member of the FEA)
Coster invests in sustainable innovation and research. R&D is constantly engaged in designing products with strong input to use compliant and recyclable materials, reduce weight, dimensions and number of components, and find sustainable packaging solutions. A partnership is in place with Polymer Science Park for Sustainable Innovation in injection molding.
The Social Responsibility
People are at the centre of Coster’s policies and strategies. Coster firmly believes and counts on people value, therefore is strongly committed to safeguard the human rights, guarantee the best working conditions as well as the labor practices, be active for collectivity by finding ways to do good Safety is a strategy pillar: continuous investments in all necessary measures supporting the prevention and protection system. Two manufacturing facilities have obtained the certification for the Occupational Health and safety management System standard OHSAS 18001 Welfare initiatives are varied in the different facilities: free shuttle service, work flexitime, free access both to coaching and psychological counselling with external professional specialist, free cardiovascular specialist check-up and mapping in a risk prevention matrix training, free training on correct lifestyle, work related stress and remedies to stop smoking, free access to flu vaccination, saving plans and facilities for the purchase of new bicycle, modern and ergonomic environments with internal canteen and relax areas, funding employees for lunch, snack and beverage. Local activities for the benefit of all citizens include membership in the school-work alternation project sponsored by the local government for high school students, joining the theatre project for the 4th year students of vocational schools, adhesion to government projects addressed to the employment of people with disabilities, free dispensation given to workers who join the voluntary fire brigade to serve in case of emergency call during working time, patronage and sponsorship of local charities, education body, institutions and associations for medical research and emergency, local children’s football team.
Training is the common way broadly adopted by Coster to create culture, spread awareness and enhance skills.